Caesarean sections in a private midwife obstetric unit

Induction of labour was done primarily for post-dates or fetal macrosomia in the absence of diabetes.

Caesarean sections in a private midwife obstetric unit

Caesarean sections in a free- standing private midwife obstetric unit

This retrospective study determines the rates and indications for caesarean sections in a free- standing private midwife obstetric unit caring for low-risk, normal uncomplicated pregnant women who attempted vaginal births over a period of five years (2009-2013).

Private Maternity Obstetric Unit

Medical records of caesarean sections were examined. Primigravidas between the ages 25-35 primarily made used of the private maternity obstetric unit, with lower rates of multigravida. None of the Grande multigravida clients experienced adverse outcomes or caesarean births.

Induction of labour was done primarily for post-dates or fetal macrosomia in the absence of diabetes.

Caesarean Sections were only done on clinically-based decisions

Prandin® was the medication of choice. Caesarean sections were only done on clinically-based decisions, and the clients were given sufficient time to progress through the birth process before surgery became a necessity.

The caesarean section average rate was 17% and only two elective caesareans were performed by special requests. Haemorrhage during a caesarean section was almost double the volume of blood loss during a vaginal birth, and post-operative complications necessitated the transfer of clients.

