This Program was first aired on ETV’s Great Expectations on the 1st of August 2011
What happens during pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding?
Many of the changes that the body experiences through early pregnancy relates to breast changes. Nipples become more sensitive, the areola becomes more prominent and the very fist things you experience is painful breasts. After the 4th month of pregnancy, the network really starts developing.
What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the first milk, right after birth there is only little bits and drops of it. The breasts aren’t filled with milk yet. The first feeds are priming feeds; they trigger the hole process to start working. It is very densely packaged with anti-bodies, all growth factors and everything your baby needs.
There is no such thing that a mother does not have milk, colostrum is already present after 14 weeks of pregnancy.
What is Day 3 Letdown Reflex?
It is when your milk supply comes in and your breasts feel full, has a tingly sensation and your nipples might become even more sensitive. Your breasts feel huge and might even start leaking. It is in actual fact the breast ducts that are full and the sensation of fullness will lessen after every feed.